Sunday, August 3, 2008

Unintended Consequences

I happen to believe that the second wave of the feminist movement has completely destroyed America in a way that is almost irreversible. It will always be irreversible if the anti-male movement continues to refuse to acknowledge their role in causing it. Many interviews that are on record have proven to show the irrational justification of the so called liberated woman. They tend to rationalize away everything by saying that it is just another example of oppressive men trying to brainwash the masses into the stone age again.

Before going down the abbreviated list of things the feminist did to destroy this country lets look at the good. There can be no person in their right mind that would say that suffrage and equality were negatives to our society. Womans suffrage and work place equality are perfectly worthy causes that I, if I were alive, would have joined that fight for and march down the streets with the brave and righteous women that did. I would never champion the thought that those parts of our history should be erased. But rather something that we all as American should be and are proud of.

There are however some parts of the feminist movement that proved to be a huge detriment to our life here on this continent. I don't believe that when this was all started that it was a intended part of the plan. I don't think that there was a group of conspirators that had a hidden agenda. Although there have been severe consequences that no one seemed to be able to predict.

In late 1963 the phrased "womens liberation" was first used. And in early 1964 this phase became a huge movement. At the very core of this movement was the idea that the very institution of marriage, in it's traditional form, was the epitome of male oppression. There became a massive uprising of women declaring that if a woman was to remain a stay at home mother they were giving in to the master plan of the evil and diabolical men. Women were no longer seen as women if they were happily married and had children and had no job. The forces of RADICAL feminism had weaved their poisonous tentacles into the fabric of each and every town by the late 1970's.

Today we can see the result of this has been a statistical decline in the happiness and quality of married since the 60's. And a statistical incline in the rate of divorce and single parent families. Male role models have been taken out of homes and instead demonized as the big jerk that doesn't pay child support. Little boys that live with their bitter mothers are continually told all men are going to rape and drink and hit and abuse and not have a job. So was born the dead beet dad.

In the 60's another detrimental aspect of our life was instituted. The idea of living together, or shacking up. If a woman choses to shack up with a new stud while still having children that live with her, what is the lesson that she is teaching her young son? That young boy is learning from his mom that he can find a girl move in and with no work or commitment can have an unpaid whore to do with what he wants. Then when he get bored or mom gets to bitchy he can just walk away. Then what happens? Mom gets a new stud and history repeats itself.

Wile all this is happening this women's children are being stuffed into the closest daycare and have to compete for the affection of mommy and daddy with mom and dads shack ups. Children are forced to grow up not knowing what it is supposed to be like. Non committed relationships have tore apart a vital part of the natural growing proses of our kids. Luckily for a small number of kids they don't have to go through this hell. Some women, like my wife, still love their kids enough to stay home and raise kids in the best manner known for their development.

Now I have to agree that men are the weaker sex. Women have all the power in our relations. That is if they choose to use it right. (reference the Boleyn sisters and king henry the 8th) But since the second wave of feminism, women have been choosing to do things all wrong.

Men are very simple. Theres a little more to us than this but really this is where women's power comes from. Men will do what ever it takes to get in bed with a woman. Like I said we are not as shallow as that sounds, but at the core it's true. Lately liberated women have chosen to make it a lot easier to achieve our goal. In past times there was an unwritten expectation that in order for men to get a women in bed he had to do a large number of things. A man had to be a gentleman, have a good enough job to support a wife and kids, be respectful, honest, loving, impressive, motivated, smart, patient, and be able to fallow through on his commitments to marriage. He had to be able to do all that and more because that is what a good woman required to him.

What does a man have to do today? Not much, does he? Basically he just has to either have money or be able to dance well. Now if you are a "liberated woman", let me ask you a question. Does it look like this is a good direction to have taken the nation? How come the most commonly asked question among women is, why can't i find a good man? Are there any good men left? Now that woman have gotten out from under the oppression of a traditional marriage, it is possible for them to be truly free. Right? I don't believe so. If you couple all the demands of feminism (fantastic career, free sex, ect.) with the natural desires to be a mother, we have a recipe for misery. If not for the woman, than for the children.

In writing this I did not have a written outline or even a plan with extensive research, so sorry if this sounds rambling. But even though this post isn't backed with references from college professors or noted professionals, it is true and easy to understand. I believe that it is clear.

The good new is that there is a growing number of women from my generation that are beginning to see the faults of their mothers and grandmothers. A whole population of women that are proud to be feminine (not feminist), and not in constant competition with a man or men. A wonderfully happy group that realize they have special skill that men do not and are grateful for that and the ability to use those skills. I am very happy that I am married to such a woman. A real woman. She makes me happy and I try to do the same for her. We are a team that works well together. Instead of competing against each other to be the best at this or the best at that or have the better job or make the most money. We are different and know it and use those genetic deferences to complete the head of our family. Deegan needs both of us they way we are. I hope that men and women can come to realize the benefits of having a wife that lets and encurages him to be a MAN.

I don't plan on any more of my posts being like this. I just plan on them being about the fun kinds of things that real men do and shouldn't be ashamed of. (Like swimming in dirty ponds.) Not saying I do it all perfectly or that I am the example of a real man but just that I am able to do some of those things from time to time and that my wife lest me feel good about it.


Heidi J said...

You are such a man. And I love you for that. But it makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hello brother. You are an interesting man. Obviously a man that prides himself in being a "real" man. The alpha male or at least a man that feels he must be the stereotypical male image. You are more than that though.

Anyway, I have enjoyed reading your posts. This one in particular has been the most...hmmm...mind boggling for me to read. I agree with you on many points that you made. I believe mothers should stay home to raise their children and parents should work as a team. I also believe that woman and men have places in a family structure. The equal rights movement has proven, at least in my opinion, to be one of the greatest hurdles the US has had to overcome and yet you believe it has gone too far? Perhaps you don't realize that things are not equal still.

I don't really understand how you can attribute the failure of todays families to the women's rights movement? Even with the connections you've made that may appeal to some I cannot agree. Your theory is intriguing nonetheless. I hope in this instance we can agree to not agree. I just wish you could seek alternate explanations.

You mentioned that woman are now sleeping with men more redly. They are now whores because they are liberated? I don't see the connection? Is it okay for a man to "get a woman" in bed as his main goal but not for a woman to sleep with a man? The moral standards of our country are depleting because woman are working? Are woman responsible for the morality of men? It's now easier for men to get the girl in bed, therefore woman are destroying the moral future of their families???

Why are men not a fault? Blaming women for male behavior...I don't understand and I'm sure we'll not agree but it's fun to hear the thoughts of A REAL MAN. :) What is a real man? I would like to know this. Perhaps you can enlighten me. Does a real man have his own set of moral that he passes to his children or is he the man that takes what he wants when he wants it. It sounds to me that your suggesting that men cannot be responsible for their own cruelty and missuses of their own power. I don't know though.

It is obvious that times have changed. People are beginning to step outside the box. Woman don't need the alpha male provider that they used to. this is true. Woman are completely capable of taking care of themselves as they always were but socially can now step into the workplace without being 100% degraded. Still not equal though (paid less than men, not given the same opportunities...)

Woman are also incredibly nurturing intuitively and perhaps you're right. Perhaps they should be just that. Are they better care takers than fathers? I don't think so. Studies have proven otherwise.

Personally, if I were ever to be married and have children, i would take care of them.