Sunday, August 31, 2008

qualifications to be president of the usa.

with the nomination of barach and sarah, there has been a lot a talk about what qualifies one to be president of the greatest nation in the history of this planet. i would like to give my humble opinion. I don't think that many people with agree with me, but i think that i am right.

there are just certain thing in life that you cannot be prepared for, but there are character traits in people that can be predictors on how they will handle the job. being a parent for example. no matter how many degrees one has from an ivy league university, they are no more prepared to be a mommy or a daddy than a high school drop out. however, a deep set moral core and a set of traditional values can greatly determine the success of a new parent.

these values are what i believe to be the very thing that would qualify someone to be the president of the usa. not one person can teach you to be the pres of the vp. there has only been 43 people that have ever been there to give you first hand experience. (witch is the best type of person to teach on a subject.) but even if one could make it possible to gather all 43 presidents in one room and teach barach obama everything that they learned while being the president, that would do him no good. he is missing the core attributes that would make him a good person to lead. he would need to change his whole system of values.

barach obama would, i believe, make the wrong choices in any new or old situation presented in front of him. no matter how many facts he has at his disposal, because he looks though an anti-american prism he will choose poorly. he has been educated at the best schools this nation has to offer. and to me that means nothing.

the president of the usa is faced with choices that have never been presented to another human before each month. 911 for example was something that could not have ever been predicted. no group of people could have taught president bush how to handle that situation. the center of his belief system is what guilded him through that time. and i happen to believe he has made the right choices.

if there is an argument out there about experience or time spent is what qualifies a person to be a leader, the arguers obviously have never had to lead. i have had leadership positions, small but still, and i don't care how much i would have watched others do it, or read about it, or studied or worked in a lesser capacity, i would not have been prepared. what did prepare me was something that was already inside of me. the things that prepared me had nothing to do with on the job training. it was strong decisions that i made a long time ago about how i was going to look at life. it was my ability to trust others to do their job and know that they were competent.

sarah palin in my opinion is far more prepared to be the president of the united states than barach obama is to be a scout master. this nation cannot afford the policies of bary or his vp. not only the nation my me personally. my wallet is not deep enough for him to raise taxes like he wants to. bary don't think that you or i are smart enough to spend our own money. he wants to take it from us and spend it for us. he lacks that moral center that a leader needs. he lacks trust in you and i to do what is right. he does not think we are smart enough.

people that work in washington have more interns and educated advisers working for them than we know. they are given more info about every subject than they can come close to reading. they don't need to know everything about everything, they just need a filter to look through to make the right decisions. and that filter should be conservatism. it works every time it is tried.