Monday, December 21, 2009

Who pays for the sick insured?

I think that is a good question to think about.
Last night, well this morning, the congress voted for a new health insurance make over bill. There are many many many problems with the bill. Most of all it doesn't do what the POTUS promises it does. He is leading us to believe that the bill will lower health care costs for all Americans, and for the government.
Tell me if cutting 500 billion from Medicare will lower costs for the elderly. Or if that will improve the quality of their care. What about the billions of dollars in tax hikes? Does that count as lowering costs? Or how about the requirement that every single person in this land purchase a insurance plan? If your boss doesn't provide a plan you have to buy it, or pay a fine. Or the fact that it is now going to be made law that no one can be rejected for having a preconditions.
Witch brings me back to my first question. Who pays for the sick that already have insurance? Well the answer is the NOT sick, or the well that are insured. Same with car insurance, the people that don't wreck pay for the ones that do. If you and I have the same provider and I brake my clavicle, your premium pays for my treatment. The more people that use up those premiums the higher the premiums have to go.
So... If everyone will have insurance, even those that have preconditions like cancer and heart problems and so on, that cost lots of money and that go to treatment often, what will happen to our premiums? I seen on the news today that a healthy person's, age 25-30, health insurance premiums will increase an average of 176%.
Add that to high taxes and the hundreds of bad things in this bill, and this thing becomes a complete joke. It needs to be killed in committee. Please help in opposing this bill. It is not helpful to any of us. President Obama actually said that he just wants a bill, and that he don't care what it looks like because anything is better than nothing. It seems that in Washington now a days the victory is in just passing a bill, even if it harms the country instead of helps it. For me the victory needs to be in passing a bill that works! This bill harms everyone, even my granola brother in law. In fact is will affect him and I probably the most in its bad ways.
"Kill the bill" to quote Howard Dean.