Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I said "we cannot not afford Obama"

Cap and Trade...
There was a poll taken by a national news outlet and it found that only something like 13% of Americans understood what cap and trade is just by the mention of the name. Which means education on the subject is not a priority of the white house. The president would rather slip this through without the public understanding just how outrageously left he is before it's to late.

Cap and Trade is a plan by the government to put a limit (cap) on CO2 omissions for companies that use carbon based fuels. When they exceed this cap they are taxed. The cap on CO2 will be set at levels as high as 20% of current levels. Cutting CO2 omissions 80% is impossible for any company.

The trade part is company's can trade carbon credits among one another by what ever medium they want.

Because businesses do not pay taxes. (They just pass the cost on to the customer. If they don't they cannot afford it and go out of business.) The congressional budget office estimate the increased tax revenue at 650 billion dollars. The CBO is most always wrong by about 5-10 times. But just for arguments sake lets say that they are right. 650 billion divided by every house hold in America that uses energy is about $3100 a year. That is not money we save of get back as a stimulious; it is extra money that we pay for power, and water, and gas, and natural gas, and propane.

Like I said in an earlier blog WE CANNOT AFFORD THIS PRESIDENT!

President Obama told the congress leadership that he wanted to push this through by august. Keeping with my earlier point, get it through without the public finding out about it. He and all the dems know that this is an economy killer. Get the word out.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Im sick of this

In 2007, the public debt was 36.8 percent of GDP,[4] with a total debt of 65.5 percent of GDP.[5] The debt of the United States is ranked as 12th in the world.[6]. As of May 2009 the debt was 80.1 percent of GDP based on current GDP.

Okay everyone!!! Its time for each of us as to stop and think for a minute. I know that there is some novelty about there being the first black president, but please look what he has done to this nation in his first 100 days. He has successfully bankrupt this nation. The left is going to have to raise taxes on everyone just to keep this nation moving at an even slower pace than it is now. We need to come together no mater your politics and tell our government stop spending.

In 2001 when I left for a mission, the nations total budget was 1.7 trillion dollars. The national budget grew like a weed under president bush. He never vetoed one bill that came across his desk until the final moments of his 8 years. The right wing base called him out on his spending many times and condemned him for it. But in the first 100 days of this president, he has increased the budget from Bushes 2.9 trillion to a modest 3.8-4 trillion dollars. With an expected 1.8 trillion dollar deficit. Back up to the top of the paragraph, what was the total budget just 8 years ago? Thats right; pres. Obama's deficit is larger than the whole amount spent in 2001.

In the midst of this looming down turn in our economy the white house has decided it is a good time to saddle my brand new daughter with huge amounts of dept to pay. In the midst of this recession the white house has decided that it is a good time for all the liberal (huge government very expensive) pet projects to be enacted. Health care reform, bale outs for the unions, bale outs for banks, and bale outs for wall street. To accomplish this he has raised taxes on small business and big business, aka the people that give you and me jobs, health care insurance, and pay checks.

In Pres Bushes first term he tried to fix social security. He couldn't get the dems on board with him so he failed. The argument was that Bush was just trying to scare old people, and that everything will be just fine. But just today the fed reported that THIS year social security will take in less money that it will pay out. For those of us that pay our own bills what would this mean for us if we took in less money that we owed? It would mean drastic cuts in our lifestyle, would it not? But for the the federal government it means raising taxes, printing more money (causing inflation), and borrowing it from other countries and individuals.

But borrowing money for the USA is not as easy as it once was. With interest rates at basically zero, nobody wants to lend us any money, because the return on their investment would be so small at .5% it is not worth it. Also with our national dept going over the breaking point, the nations triple-A credit rating is falling. We have already slid out of the top spot among nations who are triple-A rated. So what does this mean for you and me. Well again taxes going up, not just on the rich but for everyone. It also means the fed will start to hike up the core interest rates to make lending to the government more attractive. So for the middle class things are not looking to good.

In fact one radio news report today said that the middle class will be pressured more in the future than it will be at the bottom of this recession. Where ever the bottom may be.

Look! Americans deserve better than what we are getting. Our president is doing all he can to establish power for the federal government. He is using the heavy weight of billions of dollars to force states to go along with is policies. Saying do this or your 6 billion will not come to your state after all. He is using the powers of the government to take away the rights of individual citizens. Do you really want the government running health care. Look at how it runs everything else, medicare for example, and tell me if that is who you want saying what kind of treatment you can or cannot have. The government fails at everything it tries, except for winning wars, and we are more and more willing to hand over our freedoms to it for what ever reasons.

Please help stop all this spending. Each of us need to come together for the sake of the future of this nation. The usa is a great country but it cannot afford the policies of the left any longer, and its only been 100 days. They have got the better part of 4 years left, how scary is that?

They used to say "we cannot drill our way out of this" when energy cost were so high. Well now that we are in a recession I say "we CANNOT SPEND our way out of this!"